State Convention Registration starts this Wednesday, 15 June 2022
with a joint opening on Thursday morning at 0900 hours. Welcome to all out-of-town post and auxiliary members and guests.
Wednesday Dinner: Steak and Bake from 4 - 7 pm. This will also be the State Commander and National Reps visit to our post.
Thursday Dinner: Chicken Enchilada with Rice 4 - 7 pm.
Friday Dinner: BBQ Burgers or Dogs Chips and Beans.
Saturday: Incoming Department Commander and Auxiliary Presidents reception beginning at 5 pm, they will have BBQ Burgers and Dogs for you to enjoy. Come and welcome them to our post and show your support.
Please come and enjoy the comradery and great food any of these nights, we look forward to seeing many new and old faces. lol
Just a reminder, please reply here or call the post to reserve meals, as we don't want anyone to go hungry.
Guess that's it for now.